About Us
With customers always reality, honest. With competitor is wisdom. With partner is successfully.
Rubber T perfect decision for big values. Established since 2000, Thai Duong Joint Stock manufacter technical rubber in Vietnam, always bring to all of customers internal and international satisfaction over the past 20 years.

Our company has an extensive network of factories, which allows us to flexibly meet diverse market demands and maintain high product quality.

Vision and Mission
In the next 5 years, Rubber T will be youngful brand, making overate step in business advanced quailty products of Vietnam rubber industrial, bring to precision and safety for community.
“Rubber T commit bring to community convinent rubber products, delicated, high quality with regard, love and responsibility of us”
Core Value
Internal Commitment
Internal Commitment in workspace including respection ethic value and enthusiasm.
(Heart), encourage creation (Prominent), building a envỉoment trust…
Foreign affairs Commitment
We commit to customers by being realistic and honest, to suppliers by achieving success, to new businesses by pioneering, to alternative products
Global macro
Thai Duong company especially caring to THREATS element: Dares, obstacles and risks in business enviroment. After that, have proceed solution risks timely…